     “I’m not judging, mind you, but bless her heart, she is
singing off-key.”  Down where I  come from, we try to take the edge off our negative statements, especially among  our circle of friends.  You have to  admit, every “bless your heart” does soften the content of a negative  comment.  
      I’ve also heard:   “Bless her heart, I love her to death, but she just can’t cook.”  See? That doesn’t sound too bad, now does it?  After all, it sounds better  than saying, “She is the world’s worst cook ever.”
      Yes, we do not want to offend anyone when we are making a  critical remark.  This must be the reason folks below the Mason-Dixon Line are labeled  polite  and courteous.  Oh, and don’t
forget the big smile that goes along with the “bless your heart”  statement.☼☺☺☺☺
    Y’all have a good week, and remember to be kind to each other.  - Barbara

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