I met one of God’s special angels today.   I was in a pet store when I heard someone say, “I use to have a cat.  I don’t now, because I am allergic to  cats.”  I turned around to see a  smiling, nice looking young man shopping with his mom.   He had a lot of enthusiasm for the products on display as he picked up  various ones wanting to know if I had such an item.   When I would say no, he went to great lengths to explain how they worked  and suggesting that I might want to buy it.  

When he noticed a ring on my finger, he remarked how  pretty it was and asked about the stone.   When I told him it was my birthstone, a gift from my sister for my  birthday a few weeks ago, he hugged me and wished me a happy birthday.  Then he said, “My birthday is in  November and I will be 32 years old”.   He was so proud.  
We also discussed our pets, their names, and habits.    He shared with me where he was  born and where he lived now.  “I  told him I was from South Carolina, but also had a small home here in North  Carolina. “Do you ever think about  moving here permanently”, he asked.   “Every day,” I replied.  He  grinned at my answer. 

As I started to leave, he introduced himself and shook my  hand.  I hugged him and wished him  a happy birthday.  God’s special  angels surely do light up the world.   I have not stopped smiling.

   This past weekend I found myself at a church’s annual  craft/flea market event.  I heard a band playing Dixieland music with such enthusiasm that I had to check it
out.  What a surprise.   The band consisted of a group of senior citizens.   The instruments were tuba, cornet, trombone, saxophone, clarinet,  trumpet, snare drum, banjo, and keyboard.    
     It was interesting to watch the man playing the  saxophone.  When it was time for  his lead part, he slowly arose from his chair and blasted out the tune.  I was wondering where he got the breath to get a sound out of the instrument.   It takes some good, strong lungs to play these things.  
     Then I realized the secret.   Music is timeless.  One never loses their ability to play and play well.   Music comes from within, it is part of who you are.   You may have trouble getting around or even holding on to your  instrument, but you will find a way.   And, in the magic of the moment, you are transported to another world--a  world of foot-tapping, happy melodic sounds.
    After they finished playing, each member slowly packed  away their gear, which included microphones and amplifiers.   Yes, it was a slow process, but the light shining from their eyes and the  applause of an appreciative audience made it all worthwhile.
   Oh, by the way, they call themselves "The Frog Level Philharmonic"... 
   Play on…Barbara

     “I’m not judging, mind you, but bless her heart, she is
singing off-key.”  Down where I  come from, we try to take the edge off our negative statements, especially among  our circle of friends.  You have to  admit, every “bless your heart” does soften the content of a negative  comment.  
      I’ve also heard:   “Bless her heart, I love her to death, but she just can’t cook.”  See? That doesn’t sound too bad, now does it?  After all, it sounds better  than saying, “She is the world’s worst cook ever.”
      Yes, we do not want to offend anyone when we are making a  critical remark.  This must be the reason folks below the Mason-Dixon Line are labeled  polite  and courteous.  Oh, and don’t
forget the big smile that goes along with the “bless your heart”  statement.☼☺☺☺☺
    Y’all have a good week, and remember to be kind to each other.  - Barbara

     Last night, after 8:00 p.m., I went outside to call my  cat.  Lo and behold, I was  surprised by the most gorgeous sunset I have seen in a long time.   Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote, “Earth's crammed with heaven, and  every common bush afire with God, But only he who sees takes off his shoes…”
      I find evidence of heaven everyday.  Take time from your busy day to experience the joy of your surroundings.  You may not see a spectacular sunrise or sunset everyday, but you will  find abundant signs of God’s love all around you—flowers, blue skies with white, fluffy clouds, a soft breeze, and so much more. 

      Yes, when I admired yesterday's beautiful sunset, joy filled my soul.   I smiled because God was smiling down at me.
                                                                                                                                                    - by Barbara C. Lomas

     Yesterday, our dulcimer group played for a retirement center.  Music has a way of touching the soul, no matter what age the listener.  Since I play by ear, I can look out over the audience and watch the expressions on their faces.  Some folks hum softly, others are smiling, and yes, some are sleeping.   However, the greatest joy of all is to know that for a few moments, folks are able to forget their pain and troubles and just enjoy the moment.  It is such a blessing to have a small part in making this world a better place through music.

     The dulcimer pictured above was purchased at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, TN.  After we arrived back at our motel room, I immediately took my new dulcimer and sat outside on the balcony and started playing...No one was listening, well maybe the birds, but my what a great time I was having releasing the Spirit within me...Yes, a happy time.
                                                                                                                           - by Barbara C. Lomas